
Wonder” is about a boy named August who was born with a deformed face and his struggles with the ups and downs of school.
Despite 27 surgeries, August (endearingly called Auggie by his loved ones) is still ‘ugly’. He has never attended school, as, because of his face, his mother home-schooled him. But now that he is getting older and more mature, his parents think that he should go to school.
During a tour of the intended school, the principal Mr Tushman assigned three students to be his friends, but only two truly are. August decides to go to school after the tour, despite the veiled taunts by the third student.
School life is different from home-schooling. August is not used to the whole notion of homework and quizzes, which he never had to do when he was home-schooled. He is also not used to having to wake up so early in the morning.
‘Wonder’ is written in 8 parts, each part in the voice of a character in the book like Via, Auggie’s sister, Justin, Via’s boyfriend, Miranda, Via’s best friend, Jack Will, August’s best friend in school and Summer, a girl who befriended him at school. They carry out the tale of Auggie’s adjustment to school life and his struggles to find a place among the kids at school.
In school, some kids are nice to him, like Jack Will, who sits with August during the different classes, and Summer, who sits with him during recess, even though she was not asked by Mr Tushman to befriend him. Yet, she sat with him anyway, initially because she felt sorry for him, and later on because she genuinely liked him for his wit, his kindness and for himself.
But there are some mean people too, like Julian and Henry Joplin. However, August is fine because he has his other friends. But a turn came at Halloween when August overheard Jack telling Julian that he only stayed with August because he had to. Worse, Jack said he would kill himself if he looked like August. In the end, August decided to return to school, but he would ignore Jack. During Christmas, Jack found out that August had overheard his hurtful comments; he apologized to August and they became friends again.
The mean kids were not the only ones nasty to August. Their parents were too. Julian’s mother photoshopped out August’s face in the class photo. She even passed around some copies of the edited photos to the other parents.
At the end of the school term, during the awards ceremony, August received the Henry Beecher Award which was given to the top outstanding student of the year. He had never felt happier in his life. On another happy note, August also found out that Julian was not returning to Beecher Prep next year. To top it off, during photo taking, everyone wanted to take pictures with August, not caring that it was his face next to theirs. August was happy that he had entered school.

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